Why buy a Master Special Sprocket Kit?

* Saves the cost and labor of changing a normal sprocket four times

Normal *Sprocket runs 12000km while *Master Sprocket* runs above 60,000km

* The master sprocket tooth does not break when the normal sprocket tooth breaks

* When casting common sprocket cast iron The master sprocket is cut from solid iron

* The chain should be tightened every 1000 km on the normal sprocket and the chain should be tightened every 5000 km on the master sprocket.

* Standard Sprocket size is less ride comfort, Master Sprocket size and difference is more ride comfort.

* The chain should be tightened every 1000 km on the normal sprocket and the chain should be tightened every 5000 km on the master sprocket.

* Normal sprocket fits loosely on the wheel hub, causing more vibration in the rear wheel. The Master Sprocket is hand made and has a correct fitting so there is no vibration

* Normal Sprocket is not guaranteed by anyone in the market Master Sprocket is guaranteed for 30000 km
